Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Roast Beef Never Hurt Anyone...Yummm

People often ask me if my eating habits have changed since I've become pregnant. I used to say "not really" but then when I thought about it, I realized they really had. For instance, now I always eat breakfast. I always take a vitamin every morning when I first get downstairs. I try to take fruit or veggies with me to work for a mid-morning snack. I stick to drinking water or milk. I eat pasta and bread without guilt. When I snack, I grab a few nuts or a slice of cheese - all foods I used to avoid or eat in moderation.

And then, there are the cravings. I've experienced nothing where I wake up and make Alan drive to the store. But I sometimes whine for him to stop by on his way home and pick up some ice cream. Or, I call Mandy because I feel guilty for driving through Arbys and eating a Beef and Cheddar for lunch. I've had multiple dreams about french toast and often crave breakfast cereal, which I never really ate past 9 a.m. before. We've gone through boxes of Cherrios and I'm satisfied if I eat a bowl for my dinner.
Below are some of my cravings. I've acted on some of these, abused some (Love the DQ), and have just had dreams about others. My days of cravings are numbered, so for now, I'll enjoy the pictures and dream of warm, baked bread. Yummm.....

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