Friday, December 14, 2007

Merry Christmas!

T-Minus 4 Days?

Beth's stats as of this a.m.....4 cm dialated, 90% effaced, contractions have said we might not make Tuesday.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

T-Minus 7 Days!

Beth's stats as of Tuesday 12/11... 3 cm dialated, 85% effaced. Baby is estimated to be 7 lbs. 11 oz. All his measurements are right on track with 39 weeks.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Forests of Sherwood

This weekend Alan, Raja and I went tree hunting with the Whipples. It was a cold, but dry sunny day in the suburbs of Sherwood.

The Woodwards - Minus Raja who was too excited to sit still

Alan hard at work in the mud

The Winning Tree

The Whipples

Friday, December 7, 2007

Brick for Sheep?

Alan and I are on fire for Settlers of Catan! A few weekends ago, our friends Melinda and Trevin invited us over for game night to teach Alan how to play. He loved it and almost won the second match. Since then he's discovered an online computer version, an XBox version, and taught MikeyB how to play. I'm pretty sure we'll be playing more often over the holidays when we're home with the baby. Love it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

T-Minus 13 Days...

Mark your calendars! December 18 is officially our induction date. We're to check into the hospital at 5 a.m. Fingers crossed the Bean arrives on his own before then.

Beth's stats this week: 2+ centimeters dialated, 85% effaced, -1 station. Yippee!