Friday, December 14, 2007

Merry Christmas!

T-Minus 4 Days?

Beth's stats as of this a.m.....4 cm dialated, 90% effaced, contractions have said we might not make Tuesday.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

T-Minus 7 Days!

Beth's stats as of Tuesday 12/11... 3 cm dialated, 85% effaced. Baby is estimated to be 7 lbs. 11 oz. All his measurements are right on track with 39 weeks.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Forests of Sherwood

This weekend Alan, Raja and I went tree hunting with the Whipples. It was a cold, but dry sunny day in the suburbs of Sherwood.

The Woodwards - Minus Raja who was too excited to sit still

Alan hard at work in the mud

The Winning Tree

The Whipples

Friday, December 7, 2007

Brick for Sheep?

Alan and I are on fire for Settlers of Catan! A few weekends ago, our friends Melinda and Trevin invited us over for game night to teach Alan how to play. He loved it and almost won the second match. Since then he's discovered an online computer version, an XBox version, and taught MikeyB how to play. I'm pretty sure we'll be playing more often over the holidays when we're home with the baby. Love it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

T-Minus 13 Days...

Mark your calendars! December 18 is officially our induction date. We're to check into the hospital at 5 a.m. Fingers crossed the Bean arrives on his own before then.

Beth's stats this week: 2+ centimeters dialated, 85% effaced, -1 station. Yippee!

Monday, November 26, 2007

BEAN's Nursery Digs

We finished the baby's room this weekend! Alan hung items on the wall and I organized the last of the tubs of clothing Aunt Heather gave us. The closet is stocked with close to 1,000 diapers (newborn to 2 years old). Pooh Bear and Porter the Puppy are set to be squeezed. We're ready!

37 Weeks

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Birthing 101

Next week Alan and I "graduate" from our 4-week Birthing Class series. We watched birthing videos from the 80s, learned about narcotics and the "cain" family of drugs soon to be at my disposal (no cocaine, Alan!), and witnessed the nurse, Marydee, push a baby doll out of the bottom of a bucket with a styrafoam slit. Things we learned:
  • I'm looking forward to making Alan get down onto all fours to assume the shape of a "table" in any hospital hallway.
  • Pee smells like alcohol, amniotic fluid does not.
  • How to "hee hee" breathe.
  • Tennis balls really do make good massage tools.
  • Do not wear heavy eyeliner during the birthing process like the lady in the video. She looked like a drowned raccoon after 3 hours of contractions.
  • Alan is a great partner. Beth is scared shitless.
We're getting excited to meet the Bean! Check out month 8 videos of real 3D ultra sounds here:

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloweeeeen!!!

The Great Woodini and his side kick, the Magic 8 Ball

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

33 Weeks

Standing next to the Baby's new pack and play. It even has a cute dog mobile!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sights of Fall

Advent Calendar Completed!

It's done!! After months of cutting, sewing and sequins my 2008 Holiday project is complete. I can now count down Christmas in style. My favorite squares are the snowflake and Santa.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Porter the Puppy

How cute is Porter?! This is my splurge for baby!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 the Kitchen

For some time I have been wanting to decorate the tops of my kitchen cabinets. The space just looked so naked and it needed some color. Yet, I didn't want my kitchen to look too 80's, or items on display look too small. I'm pretty proud of what I came up with....
  1. I utilized existing items, saving $$.
  2. My serving platters and bowls I love are on display and not stuck inside a cabinet. I can see them daily.
  3. I incorporated Alan into the design - via his steins. Normally I am not a fan of these, but admit that I like their new digs.
  4. I freed up space in cupboards for baby kitchen gear.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Roast Beef Never Hurt Anyone...Yummm

People often ask me if my eating habits have changed since I've become pregnant. I used to say "not really" but then when I thought about it, I realized they really had. For instance, now I always eat breakfast. I always take a vitamin every morning when I first get downstairs. I try to take fruit or veggies with me to work for a mid-morning snack. I stick to drinking water or milk. I eat pasta and bread without guilt. When I snack, I grab a few nuts or a slice of cheese - all foods I used to avoid or eat in moderation.

And then, there are the cravings. I've experienced nothing where I wake up and make Alan drive to the store. But I sometimes whine for him to stop by on his way home and pick up some ice cream. Or, I call Mandy because I feel guilty for driving through Arbys and eating a Beef and Cheddar for lunch. I've had multiple dreams about french toast and often crave breakfast cereal, which I never really ate past 9 a.m. before. We've gone through boxes of Cherrios and I'm satisfied if I eat a bowl for my dinner.
Below are some of my cravings. I've acted on some of these, abused some (Love the DQ), and have just had dreams about others. My days of cravings are numbered, so for now, I'll enjoy the pictures and dream of warm, baked bread. Yummm.....

Friday, September 14, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Welcome Baby Trent

We visited Baby Trent for the first time this week. He was so good and loved Uncle Alan. So much so, Trent peed all over him. Poor Alan didn't even know it!

Hey Diddle...

Call me crazy, but I've changed the Baby's bedding AGAIN! A woman at work gave me a Pottery Barn Baby catalog and I thought there was a type-o when I saw the price of Hey Diddle. I got one of the last two sets and saved money over Babies R Us. The third time is the charm, and this will be the final bedding, I promise. It's subtle and will allow me to be more flexible with what I do with the walls. For instance, I think Radley the dog will match perfectly!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Life Lesson #2

If Baby Bean is anything like his dad, he'll be a man's man....

Life Lesson #2: "Steak it's what's for dinner!"

Friday, August 31, 2007

Week 24

Go Beavs! In honor of their win last night, Alan wanted the orange flag to accentuate my belly. I don't think I need the orange to do that.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sights of Summer - Bambi

Say hello to my little Black Butte Friend...

I took this from the family room window. I opened the door and he bolted. 5 minutes later, while playing Scrabble with Michelle on the patio, he was back to munch on Melanie's wild flowers. Less than 10 feet from us.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Life Lesson #1

Recently the Bean has been able to hear what is going on inside and outside of Mom. According to the Baby Center, he can even hear Raja bark! Amazing. I've been encouraging Alan to "talk" to the baby so that when he's born, he will recognize Dad and be soothed by his voice. Alan likes the belly, so welcomed the challenge. Below is what Alan first said to the baby. I've dubbed his sequental "talks" Life Lessons. Life Lesson #1 for the Bean...(And I quote):
"Hello baby. Hi baby. When you are born, you will.....(pause - Alan thinking) like your mother....(pause - Alan searching for the right words) do what I say."

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sights of Summer

With all this crappy weather, it feels like Summer is coming to a close. I refuse to accept this and plan to post some of my favorite sights/memories that bring Summer to my mind. The first is a picture I took at the aquarium in Wilmington, North Carolina during our family vacation. It was a fun day with the Barclay/Woodward/Tupper clan. But, beware! While the water looks calm, there are frogs lurking below.

Week 22

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Crafty Card Party

Last week I attended a card-making party Leigh invited me to. 10 women each designed a card and brought supplies for everyone to make 2 cards of that design. My card - the purple - was pretty scrappy when compared to what these regular crafters came up with. I left with 20 cards, as well as some cute clothes for the BEAN. Below are a few of my favorites.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Week 21

Still growing...

Snug as a Bug

I've been looking for nursery bedding for the Bean. Trying to compare costs to sewing something on my own (with the help of Grammy). I want something simple, clean and contemporary. No trucks, winnie the poohs, or sail boats. Here are three I found online that I like. I thought Alan would like the Orange in #1. But is it too bright for baby? All should go nice with the blue walls. What's your opinion?

#1 - Happy

#2 - Vanilla

#3 - Polkas

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Baby Bean Moves!

Last night I was lying in bed, watching the Real World Australia. All of a sudden I felt these two strong "bubbles" pop on the right side of my tummy. It was the first time I really felt the Bean move! He kicked, or air punched! It was the best feeling. I can't wait until Alan can experience it.

Other Bean Milestones:

April 25th - Day we found out we were pregnant
May 13th - Day we told our families
July 16 - Week 18...the week the Bean and my tummy really popped out
July 24th - Day we found out Bean was a Boy
August 11 - Baby Bean kicks for the first time in front of Papo, Grammy, and Dad

Monday, August 6, 2007

Belly Pic - Week 20

Raja is infatuated with the BEAN!

I gave in and purchased a horizontal striped shirt - I love it, and am sure it makes me look larger, but for once I have an excuse to wear a shirt that makes me look like a pirate.

Belly Pic Gallery - Week 19

Baby Bean is growing and although it is embarassing, I gave in and started taking weekly pics of the belly. Week 19

Thursday, March 15, 2007

March Madness Takes Over

For the first time, I've entered a March Madness pool - Go Ohio State! With no insight into college basketball, I did some quick research, polled a few male friends and made my pics for the Sweet Sixteen and Magnificant Eight. I didn't go with my initial thoughts to pick a team from the Northwest ... but I'm focused on taking home a few extra bucks and went with the top contenders. To see my picks visit:

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Alan - a Literary Star!

Alan Woodward is now an international literary star!

Alan's boss, Rob B, has a sister, Lisa Gardner, who is a writer. He, along with 4 other Planar employees are characters in her suspense mystery thriller: "Hide"! "Alan Woodward" is the warden of a psychiatric hospital. We're running out to Costco to buy it, although I think we should request a signed copy from Lisa!